170 South West Temple Salt Lake City
UT 84101 United States

Legal advocacy for children, youth, parents, and kin is a specialized area of law which demands ongoing interdisciplinary training, education, and skill-building. NACC’s annual National Child Welfare Law Conference is designed to meet these demands. Our conference is a premier continuing legal education and community-building event for practitioners and policy advocates in child welfare, juvenile justice, and family law.
More than 46 years of experience has gone into producing this annual training and networking experience. Don’t miss this opportunity to come together with your fellow advocates to learn, to network, and be inspired to take your advocacy to the next level. Join the national community of multidisciplinary advocates working to improve systems serving children, youth, parents, and kin.
Over several days, leading experts from the fields of law, medicine, mental health, immigration, social work, education, and more will expand your understanding of child welfare law, explore its intersection with other fields, and provide practical tools to help further your practice and achieve the best possible outcomes for children, youth, parents, and kin. Whether you are a new attorney or an advanced practitioner, this informative and engaging program will advance your practice.