Louisiana Children’s Trust Fund – Child Abuse Prevention Conference

We are honored to welcome you to join us for the 1st Annual Child Abuse Prevention Conference hosted by the Louisiana Children’s Trust Fund. This event will occur virtually on April 21, 2022 beginning at 8:30 am. This year’s theme:

Resilient Families. Protected Children. Safe Environments.”

This theme summarizes our intention to provide a day of collaborative and informative workshops and plenary sessions designed to engage, inform, equip and strengthen community organizations, leaders and advocates who are working to protect our most important asset…. our children. The conference will feature dynamic and inspiring experts and speakers who have their hands on the pulse of child abuse prevention work across the country. This conference has been submitted for CLE and CEU hours. We hope that you will join us, and encourage others to connect, as we work to build a better and brighter future for our children.

Katina Semien Smothers, Esq. – Executive Director
Louisiana Children’s Trust Fund
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