Nonviolent Communication is a language skill that can change the way we think and speak. There’s no time to waste! With parents looking into putting bulletproof sleeves in their children’s backpacks, we are headed toward an even greater mental health crisis. We now live in a society where the expectation that a child will return to school is no longer a given. Does your stomach hurt to think about this? Do you get a headache? Is there a sense of indignation and incomprehensibility?
We often hear the popular plea, we gotta help the kids. Let’s start with the kid in us!
In schools, we take Health Ed and Phys Ed! What about Relationship Ed?
Of all of what’s important in school, learning about relationships is often neglected!
Most people have not had an opportunity to develop a vocabulary of needs and feelings that build confidence and self esteem. NVC provides this, opening a door for children and adults to develop a genius mind. That’s right! It’s never too late to develop a new mind set. NVC can foster more harmony in any environment, create respectful boundaries, and opportunities to establish relationships that thrive and flourish.
When something happens in our external environment that has a strong emotional charge, the brain takes a snapshot of it, which is called a memory. In neuroscience, there is a saying that neurons that fire together, create new neural pathways. There is also a process called pruning, which results in the uncoupling of established neural connections. In this webinar, we will do a few simple exercises that can prune neural connections that are in the way of self care, kindness, and compassion.
Neurons are nerve cells that are electrically charged, and you will get a delightful jolt out of experiencing the power of listening where we are truly present.
Research shows that positive relationships foster resilience. So relationships are everything. For children, one, nurturing, caring stable adult can affect a child’s well being for a lifetime. To be really present, you have to take the red pill.
Join us for this webinar and learn more.
The mission of TRF is to introduce respectful communication skills based on the fundamentals of Nonviolent Communication, which can empower individuals to articulate their needs and feelings without blame or judgment, and to listen empathically. This work allows individuals to thrive and improve their behavioral, academic, and life outcomes. We envision a nationwide movement that establishes relationship education as a core component of the learning process, creating a climate of empathic human connection. We introduce this communication skill set to help schools and organizations thrive and flourish, where students (and adults) feel safe and the school to prison pipeline can diminish.
The Relationship Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, so please consider donating for your ticket! Every donation supports our work in schools and social service organizations.
Read Chapter 4 on NVC to get advanced background on this extraordinary communication skill set.