5710A General Washington Drive Alexandria
VA 22312

CWLA invites New Generation PRIDE Model of Practice licensed agencies to participate in a training program that prepares participants to implement the New Generation PRIDE Model of Practice. This model addresses the challenge of recruiting and supporting competent and committed resource parents. We will demonstrate how to integrate the competencies resource parents must have with the PRIDE preparation and assessment/approval process. This approach helps ensure continuity between what prospective resource parents are recruited, prepared, and approved to do and expectations after children join their families.
Participants who complete this course, both the in-person and virtual training, will be prepared to facilitate the FosterPRIDE/AdoptPRIDE preservice preparation and assessment program with prospective foster and adoptive parents, and to use the tools included in the PRIDE Model of Practice in the ongoing teamwork with foster and adoptive parents.
Who are the participants? Participants should be newly hired staff from PRIDE licensed agencies who work in the foster care and adoption programs, and staff from new PRIDE licensed agencies who work in the foster care and adoption programs. This training will be capped at 25 participants.
Training Registration Fee for CWLA Members, $700; for Non-Members, $800. Includes individual registrant’s participation in: (1) three in-person and two virtual training days of strategies and techniques to implement the New Generation In-person/Online edition of the PRIDE Model of Practice; (2) the online clusters of twelve courses, and (3) the training management system on FosterParentCollge.com. Please note: registrants should complete online courses prior to the training.
Required Training Materials: PRIDE Model of Practice license holders have access to materials electronically and participants must have printed copies of required materials for the training. Required materials needed for the training include: Foster PRIDE/Adopt PRIDE Facilitator’s Guide and PRIDEbook (resource materials for prospective resource parents).
Cost for Hybrid Training CEUs for CWLA Members, $50; for Non-Members, $75. 21 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available for the implementation training, provided through NASW – Washington State Chapter. 24 additional CEUs (2 per online course) are available for the 12 online courses at an additional cost: CWLA Members, $40; Non-Members, $75. This is a special add-on rate, at a significant discount, and only available for registrants receiving the hybrid training CEUs.