This webinar series will focus on disseminating information from the special double issue of Child Welfare journal, Opportunities for Child Welfare to Respond to Prenatal Alcohol and Other Substance Exposures. Authors from the special double issue will present three topic areas: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), Trauma, and Child Welfare; FASD Assessment and Intervention; and Multi-System Collaboration and Family Care Plans.
This webinar will provide attendees with information about FASDs in child welfare systems. Attendees will learn how neurobehavioral functioning is impacted by prenatal substance exposure and traumatic experiences. The webinar will also highlight the prevalence of FASDs in foster care, the developmental challenges among these children, how adverse and traumatic experiences impact their development and behaviors and challenge identification, and how resilience and protective factors can help children and families thrive. Attendees will hear from a mother of an individual with an FASD who will share her healing experience and the importance of reducing stigma and bias and communicating with compassion.
• Doug Waite, M.D., FAAP; Developmental/Behavioral Pediatrics at BronxCare Health System, and the author of “A Constellation of Adversity: A Developmental Perspective on Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in the Child Welfare System”
• Julie Kable. Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory School of Medicine, author of “Behavioral Impact of Childhood Traumatic Stress in Children with Prenatal Substance Exposure”
• Peggy Way, FASD Consultant and Partner, member of Circle of Hope, and an individual with lived experience as a birth mother of an individual with an FASD