National Foster Care Month Resources

The annual Children’s Bureau initiative recognizes foster parents, family members, volunteers, mentors, policymakers, child welfare professionals, and other members of the community who help children and youth in foster care find permanent homes and connections.

Did you know…?

  • More than 407,000 U.S. children and youth are in foster care[1]
  • Nearly half of all children (46.9%) who entered foster care associated with parental alcohol or drug use were placed with relatives in 2020[2]  

This year’s theme, Relative and Kin Connections: Keeping Families Strong, acknowledges the need to support kinship caregivers. Relatives and kin play a vital role in achieving reunification for children and youth in foster care. By prioritizing the placement of these children with family or kin, we can help transform the child welfare system into one that truly supports families and maintains connections.

Foster Care Month allows us to reflect on the many facets of foster care that affect our work building connections across child welfare, treatment, family/dependency courts, and other systems that support children and families.

Available resources:

[1] Children’s Bureau and Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2022). Key facts and statistics. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.
[2] Children’s Bureau. (2021). The AFCARS report. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.

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