Kinship caregivers often prioritize their children’s needs before caring for their own, often delaying their own medical appointments and medication to purchase shoes for children, transportation, and food. Learn more about kinship caregiver health and an approach to working with kinship caregivers that emphasizes self-compassion and self-care. Created by a multi-disciplinary team of doctors and social workers, the Time for Me Toolkit helps peer navigators to support and provide psychoeducation to caregivers around six pillars of health management (Healthy Eating, Being Active, Healthy Sleep, Healthy Coping, Medical Adherence, and Self-Monitoring).
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Kerry Littlewood holds a master’s degree (2003) and a doctorate (2008) in Social Work (UNC). Dr. Littlewood is an instructor at the University of South Florida and President of AAJ Research & Evaluation, Inc. Dr. Littlewood specializes in program evaluation, community-based participatory research, randomized control trials, and using mixed methods approaches to better understand at-risk children, families and kinship caregivers. Dr. Littlewood has two decades of expertise in designing and evaluating programs to support kinship families.