“How Self-determination and Risk Promote Inclusion”

June 19, 2023 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
L'Auberge Casino
777 L'Auberge Avenue
LA 70820
“How Self-determination and Risk Promote Inclusion” @ L'Auberge Casino

Inclusion has become a trendy term when it comes to creating an equitable environment for all people. Yet, how often are out inclusion practices translating to the feeling of being included, and what roles do self-determination and risk play in promoting inclusion? We often thing of inclusion as a goal, rather than a verb that has to be practiced every day.

Attendees will learn:

  • That all contributions to society are valuable and should be appreciated as such.
  • That One individual’s accomplishments and that’s ok.
  • How personal experience of those with disabilities can create inclusive practices.
  • That being included oftentimes does not equate to one feeling included.


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