2328 Irene Dr.
Baton Rouge
LA 70808
The 2023 Health Summit: Advancing Population Health, Equity and Well-Being is an exciting conference dedicated to exploring innovative approaches and strategies to improve the health and well-being of our communities.
The Louisiana Center for Health Equity, in collaboration with the Louisiana Department of Health, Pennington Biomedical Research Center and additional partners, is pleased to announce the 2023 Health Summit: Advancing Population Health, Equity and Well-Being. The Summit will open on Tuesday, October 3 at 1:00 PM – 5:30 PM and resume on Wednesday, October 4 at 8:30 AM until 3:30 PM with breaks, including a lunch break.
The 2023 Health Summit will focus on population health, as women and children are severely impacted in Louisiana. The overall purpose of the health summit is to expand collaboration and engagement on LA40by2030, our bold vision of improving health outcomes and the quality of life for Louisiana children and families. The ultimate goal of our collective work is for Louisiana to rank in the top 40 for health outcomes by 2030. This work includes identifying, developing, and promoting practices and policies to support children and families.
Keynote Speakers Announced
We are proud to announce that the 2023 Health Summit distinguished opening keynote speaker will be Camara P. Jones, MD, MPH, PhD, a family physician, epidemiologist, and Past President of the American Public Health Association whose work focuses on naming, measuring, and addressing the impacts of racism on the health and well-being of our nation and the world.
Jahmal Miller, MHA, DHL, an internationally recognized leader and expert on issues pertaining to health care, public health, health equity, mental health and public policy, will serve as morning session keynote speaker.
LaQuandra Nesbitt, MD, MPH, a highly sought-after expert in population health and wellness with over a decade of experience leading population health initiatives in governmental public health agencies will be the closing keynote speaker.
Scroll down to view the preliminary program schedule.
This summit will bring together leading voices on improving the health and well-being of women, children and families. Healthcare professionals, service providers, insurers, researchers, educators, faith-based and non-profit organizations and businesses, as well as policymakers, local and state elected officials, advocates, community health leaders, and the general public will convene to work together on developing key strategies and promoting alignment and collaboration to support better health outcomes across Louisiana.
NEW: Pre-Conference Workshop with Dr. Camara P. Jones – Confronting Racism Denial: Tools for Naming Racism and Moving to Action
Register now for a pre-conference workshop with Camara Jones, MD, MPH, PhD. entitled Confronting Racism Denial: Tools for Naming Racism and Moving to Action on Tuesday, October 3rd from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM at PBRC Conference Center in Baton Rouge. $45/person in advance.
Known for her allegories on “race” and racism which enable inclusive dialogue on critical public health issues, Dr. Jones is a family physician, epidemiologist, and Past President of the American Public Health Association (APHA). As President of APHA (2016), Dr. Jones launched a National Campaign Against Racism. The initiative catalyzed the first of what are now 260 declarations by local jurisdictions (city councils, county commissions, and state legislatures) across 41 U.S. states and the District of Columbia that “Racism is a public health crisis.”
Racism is a roadblock to achieving racial equity in the United States, yet many people are in denial of its continued existence and profoundly negative impacts on the health and well-being of the nation. And even those who acknowledge that racism exists sometimes feel ill-equipped to say the word “racism” out loud or take action to address it. Dr. Jones aims to inspire and equip participants to engage in anti-racism as a sustained process with three tasks: 1) name racism, 2) ask “How is racism operating here?”, and 3) organize and strategize to act.
Hotel and Lodging Information
Arrangements for lodging for the 2023 Health Summit have been made with the following hotel:
Crown Plaza Hotel, 4728 Constitution Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA, Telephone: 225-930-0106
To reserve your room for October 2 and 3 at a rate of $106.00 per night, please use code CHE until September 22 or sold out.
Sponsorship and Partnership Opportunities Available
Partnership opportunities are available. Sponsorships start at $2500. For sponsorship and partnership opportunities, please contact Alma at alma@lahealthequity.org
Continuing Education Opportunities
As an incentive, we are pursuing continuing education credits for physicians, nurses, attorneys, and social workers.
Additional details will be forthcoming.
Registration Information
Early Bird registration rate – $75 until August 25 or until sold out. First come first serve.
Preconference Workshop – $45 in advance until sold out.
Sponsor a community member – $100 through September 21
Regular rate – $100 through September 21
Student rate- $75 through September 21
Resource tables for nonprofit community organizations – $500 through September 15 or until sold out.
Group rate – 10% discount minimum of 5 through September 21
Should you have any questions or like additional information, please e-mail us at info@lahealthequity.org.
Thank you.
2023 Health Summit Planning Team
Preliminary Schedule and Agenda
Day One: Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Pre-Conference Workshop
8:30 AM – Registration Opens – $45/person
9 AM – 12:00 PM
Confronting Racism Denial: Tools for Naming Racism and Moving to Action
Distinguished Speaker: Camara Jones, MD, MPH, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University and Senior Fellow and Adjunct Associate Professor, Morehouse School of Medicine and Commissioner, O’Neill-Lancet Commission on Racism, Structural Discrimination, and Global Health
2023 Health Summit: Advancing Population Health, Equity and Well-Being
12:30 PM- Registration Opens
1:00 – 2:20 PM Opening Plenary
The Connection of Population Health, Health Equity, and the Social Determinants of Health
Flint D. Mitchell, Ph.D., Public Health Advisor, Louisiana Department of Health, Office of Public Health, Bureau of Planning and Performance and Robyn Merrick, Vice President External Affairs and University Relations, Southern University, Summit Hosts
Welcome: John Kirwan, MSc, PhD, FACSM, Executive Director, Pennington Biomedical Research Center
Summit Opening: Alma Stewart Allen, RN, MS, CCHC, President & Founder, Louisiana Center for Health Equity
Opening Remarks: Doris Brown, MS, MEd, Assistant Secretary Office of Public Health, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospital
Distinguished Keynote Address: “Achieving Health Equity: Habits of Mind for Social Justice Warriors”
Camara Jones, MD, MPH, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University and Senior Fellow and Adjunct Associate Professor, Morehouse School of Medicine and Commissioner, O’Neill-Lancet Commission on Racism, Structural Discrimination, and Global Health
2:20 – 2:30 PM Break
2:30 – 3:35 PM Session 1
Economic, Community, and Clinical Impacts of Maternal Child Health
Renee Antoine, Executive Director, Governor’s Office of Women’s Policy, Moderator
William G. Hudson, MS, MPH, Vice President Public Health Business Development, Qualtrics
Myra Richardson, Chief Development Officer, Louisiana Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Frankie Robertson, MPA, Founder and President, Amandla Group
Terri Thomas, MD, Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialist, Associates in Women’s Health and Woman’s Central Clinic
3:35 – 3:45 PM Break
3:45– 4:50 PM Session 2
2A – The Cultural Constructs of Chronic Diseases
Jennifer Caldwell, MPH, PhD, Director of Public Health Genomics and Health Equity Laboratory, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Moderator
Tyra Gross, MPH, PhD, Associate Professor, Public Health, Xavier University of Louisiana
Rhoda Reddix, PhD, Associate Professor, Population Health Management, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University
Ursula White, PhD, Assistant Professor-Research, Physiology of Human Adipose Tissue, Pennington Biomedical Research Center
2B – Community Safety from a Public Health Perspective
Flitcher R. Bell, JD, Community Advocate, Moderator
Jennifer Avegno, MD, Director, New Orleans Health Department
Davante Lewis, Commissioner District 3, Louisiana Public Service Commission
Gregory Rattler, Jr., CEO/Executive Director, Silverback Society
Gina Womack, Co-Founder & Executive Director, Families and Friends of Louisiana’s Incarcerated Children
4:50 – 5:30 PM Exhibit Booths & Networking Reception
Remarks: Torrie Harris, Dr. PH, MPH, Assistant Secretary, Office on Women’s Health & Community Health, Louisiana Department of Health
What is a Woman? And What Rights Do American Women Really Have? Written by Aileen A. Hendricks, PhD, A Production of Louisiana Voices of Women (LA VOW) Theatre Company
5:30PM Day One Wrap Up
Day Two: Wednesday, October 4, 2023
8:30 AM Registration Opens
9:00 AM Morning Plenary
Flint D. Mitchell, PhD, Public Health Advisor, Louisiana Department of Health, Office of Public Health, Bureau of Planning and Performance and Robyn Merrick, Vice President External Affairs and University Relations, Southern University, Summit Hosts
The Impact of Trauma in Women and Children’s Behavioral Health
Alfreda Tillman Bester, Esq., MBA, Southern University Law Center, Moderator
Joy Osofsky, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Public Health Head, Division of Pediatric Mental Health, LSU School of Medicine
Stacy Overstreet, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Tulane University
Jennifer Scott, PhD, LCSW, Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Louisiana State University
Rochelle Head-Dunham, MD, FAPA, Executive and Medical Director, Metropolitan Human Services District- Louisiana Department of Health
10:30 AM Session 3
Evolving Health Equity in Health Systems and Public Policy
Ashraf Esmail, PhD, Associate Professor and Program Coordinator Criminal Justice/Sociology, Director for the Center for Racial Justice, Barron Hilton Criminal Justice Endowed Professor, Dillard University, Moderator
Keynote Speaker: Jahmal Miller, MHA, DHL, Chief Administrative Officer, Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group and President & Founder of Aequitas Innovations, Inc., Health Equity Influencer
11:45 – 12:15 PM Lunch (30 min)
12:15 -1:00 PM Exhibit Booths & Networking Session
1:00 – 2:10 PM Session 4
Strategies and Actions to Improve Maternal Health and Reduce Maternal Morbidity and Mortality
Kheri Monks, The Preemie Mom Coach, LLC, Moderator
Veronica Gillispie-Bell, MD, MAS, FACOG, Medical Director, Louisiana Perinatal Quality Collaborative and Pregnancy Associated Mortality Review
Susan Perez, PhD, MPH, Research Consultant, Reproductive Health Impact
Portia Witt, LCSW, Counselor. LSU PhD Candidate, Always Hope for a Better You
Robert T. Maupin Jr., MD, FACOG, Associate Dean, Office of Diversity & Community Engagement, Section Head, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Warren C. Plauche’ Professor of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, School of Medicine, LSU Health Sciences Center, New Orleans
Victoria Williams, DHA, LMSW, CBS, Doula, Member-owner & Advocacy Lead, Birthmark Doula Collective
2:10 – 2:20 PM Break
2:20 – 3:20 PM Closing Session
Advancing Population Health: Challenges and Strategies
Peggy A. Honoré, DHA, MHA, Professor of Health Policy & Systems Management AmeriHealth Caritas-General Russel Honoré Endowed Professor, LSU Health Sciences Center School of Public Health and School of Medicine, Moderator
Keynote Speaker: LaQuandra S. Nesbitt, MD, MPH, Executive Director, Center for Population Health Sciences and Health Equity, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, George Washington University
3:20 PM Closing Remarks
Alma Stewart Allen, RN, MS, CCHC, President & Founder, Louisiana Center for Health Equity
3:30 PM Summit Closing