The Importance of Having Specialized Juvenile Prosecutors

This webinar, hosted by the National District Attorneys Association (NDAA), will outline the importance of having specialized juvenile prosecutors and bureaus/units, given the critical role that juvenile prosecutors play in youth rehabilitation, delinquency, and crime prevention, the development of school and community partnerships, and community safety.

This course will outline areas of expertise that juvenile prosecutors must possess, including risk assessment instruments; adolescent mental health and substance use; evidence-based programs and practices, the adolescent brain; juvenile interviews and admissions; knowledge of rehabilitative programs; addressing problem sexual behavior and fire setting behavior; waiver/transfer statutes; and supporting victims of crime. This course will emphasize how specialized juvenile prosecutors contribute to community safety, community outreach, and better outcomes for youth.

OJJDP’s National Training and Technical Assistance Center will share registration information with NDAA for CLE credit purposes.


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