Supporting the Well-Being of Indigenous Mothers and Babies

The pre­sen­ta­tion and dis­cus­sion will high­light how Fam­i­ly Spir­it, a Casey-fund­ed pro­gram of the Cen­ter for Indige­nous Health at Johns Hop­kins Uni­ver­si­ty, pro­vides evi­dence-based mater­nal home-vis­it­ing ser­vices to moth­ers with babies and tod­dlers up to age 3. The pro­gram serves moth­ers in 170 trib­al com­mu­ni­ties in 28 states. It includes part­ner­ships with pub­lic health, trib­al health and child wel­fare sys­tems and address­es both phys­i­cal and behav­ioral health.

The webi­nar is part of the Foundation’s Lead­ing With Evi­dence series, which pro­motes effec­tive and equi­table evi­dence-based approach­es in a vari­ety of settings.

Why Is This Important?

  • Com­mu­ni­ties and sys­tems inter­est­ed in sup­port­ing mater­nal well-being through cul­tur­al­ly affirm­ing evi­dence-based prac­tice can learn from the Fam­i­ly Spir­it example.
  • Ser­vice providers can learn how Fam­i­ly Spir­it incor­po­rat­ed mul­ti­ple fed­er­al fund­ing streams to off­set the cost of imple­ment­ing this program.



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