Connecting Communities that Lift Up Child and Family Well-Being and Social and Community Justice
The Kempe Center is excited to host the 2nd annual virtual conference, A Call to Action to Change Child Welfare. We will reconvene and expand the international community of practice brought together during the inaugural, groundbreaking 2020 event where 1400 participants from 20 different countries convened to debate, innovate, and discuss ways to transform child welfare. This year’s contributors will include children and young people, family members, leading practitioners, advocates, academics, and managers from all over the globe.
For a flat fee of $100 US dollars, join the over 2,000 expected participants and 450+ speakers from 20 nations in this eco-friendly event for:
64 hours of concurrent learning opportunities over 4 days (running 6am-10pm Denver time daily)
8 keynoters, including renowed experts, international thought leaders, panels of children and family members
25 International Exchanges and Discussion Halls on a range of provocative topics, including: transformation in the times of racial awakening, mandated reporting, restorative approaches to child welfare, indigenous leadership to supporting families, radical solutions to state care, public systems compounding oppression, abolition and the alternative, healing, belonging, the termination of parental rights, the grassroots advocacy movement, infant removal)
Opportunity to participate in conversation circles to tackle some challenging questions and topics, such as: valuing strangers over family, privilege, structures of oppression, anti-racist frameworks, the marginalization of children and family voices
130+ progressive, stimulating interactive workshops
Together, we will strive to change child welfare as we know it by connecting communities that are lifting up child and family well-being and social and community justice. We invite you to envision how you can be a change agent in your nations and communities!
Training provided by the Kempe Foundation CLICK HERE