CIP Cafe’ – Human Trafficking of Youth in Louisiana

Get an overview of human trafficking in Louisiana and how child welfare and legal professionals might encounter trafficking victims. Discuss barriers to identification and promising practices for serving trafficking survivors.

  • Define the legal characteristics of human trafficking and the sociological concept of human trafficking.
  • Explore the scope and nature of human trafficking of youth in Louisiana.
  • Examine recruitment, grooming, and psychological coercion to understand how it impacts victims of human trafficking.
  • Identify research-based approaches to identification and response that focus on survivor empowerment.
  • Consider how participants might integrate human trafficking identification and response into their practice/agency.


  • Curtis Nelson, J.D. | Deputy Judicial Administrator, Division of Children and Families, Louisiana Supreme Court
  • Kate Shipley | Executive Director of the Louisiana Alliance of Children’s Advocacy Centers
  • Leanne McCallum | Strategic Projects Manager for the Louisiana Alliance of Children’s Advocacy Centers
  • Mark Harris | Executive Director, Pelican Center for Children and Families

Sponsored by the Louisiana Court Improvement Program and hosted by the Pelican Center for Children and Families.

Register here.  FREE CLE & CEU – 1 hour approved of general credit.


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