Kinship Unity Action Agenda

February 8, 2024 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Kinship Unity Action Agenda @ Online
Join the movement to better support grandfamilies/kinship families as Generations United, ABA Center on Children and the Law, and Think of Us come together on February 8, 2024 at 3pm ET to release the Kinship Unity Action Agenda – a collective advocacy tool to guide our future work to support kinship families! Register today!
On February 1-2, 2023, Generations United’s National Center on Grandfamilies convened its fifth gathering of national advocates, featuring professionals with diverse perspectives and individuals with lived experience in grandfamilies/kinship families. The primary objective was to identify and prioritize key policy opportunities, laying the groundwork for a robust and actionable national kinship action agenda. Post-convening, feedback from the broader advocacy community, grandfamilies services providers, and focus groups with kinship caregivers from varied backgrounds enriched the action agenda. Geographically and racially diverse kinship caregivers provided valuable insights, shaping the agenda into a comprehensive reflection of their needs and concerns.

Join us on February 8, 2024 from 3:00 – 4:00 pm ET and learn how you can be a part of this movement as we embark on a journey to take action and advocate to support the well-being of kinship families!

The event will be recorded and everyone who registers will receive a link to the recording.


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