The NACSD and NACIDD will meet virtually to discuss recommendations regarding the specific needs of older adults and people with disabilities, respectively, related to disaster preparedness and response. The meeting will include American Sign Language translation and communication access real-time translation (CART).
Members of the public and expert stakeholders are invited to observe the meeting through Zoom, which requires preregistration. Anyone may submit questions and comments by email to the NACSD (NACSD@hhs.gov) and NACIDD (NACIDD@hhs.gov) prior to the meeting. If time allows, the board members will address written questions or comments during the meeting.
The NACSD and NACIDD chairpersons will review questions and comments received from the public. Relevant questions and comments will be shared during the public meeting and will be summarized in the final meeting report.
An agenda, as well as other meeting materials as needed, will be posted on the NACSD and the NACIDD public meeting pages at least 10 days in advance of the meeting.