National Conference on Juvenile Justice

March 21, 2021 @ 8:00 am – March 24, 2021 @ 5:00 pm

The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) continues to be committed to providing high-quality education while putting the health, safety, and well-being of the juvenile and family court professionals we serve first. To that end, the NCJFCJ has made the decision to have a fully virtual 2021 National Conference on Juvenile Justice due to popular demand.

The NCJFCJ is also excited to reveal the theme for this years’ national conferences: Connections with Intentions.

What keeps you connected?
For 84 years, the NCJFCJ has led systems change through the values of Compassion, Leadership, Education, and Community through our network of more than 30,000 juvenile and family court professionals who share in the mission of this organization. For this hopeful new year, continuing to make connections with intentions is more important than ever to fully serve ourselves through self-care while serving the children, families, and survivors of violence we represent.

Some of the featured topics will include alternatives to detention, trauma-informed justice, cross-over youth, deep-end youth, teen dating violence, ending solitary confinement, domestic sex trafficking of minors, anti-shackling alternatives, racial and ethnic disparity, school pathways to the justice system, brain science, child development, mental health, juvenile and family treatment drug courts, LGBTQ+ issues in the juvenile justice system, and unaccompanied minors in immigration. CLICK HERE


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