Webinar #2: Responding to Prenatal Alcohol and Other Substance Exposures: FASD Assessment and Intervention

This webinar will focus on models of FASD assessment and intervention that are effective and well-suited for child welfare systems’ array of services. The attendees will learn about a brief consultation behavioral health clinic model for utilizing FASD-informed care to provide assessment, consultation, and links to supportive services. This model has potential to provide a quick and efficient pathway to diagnosis and services for children and families served in child welfare. Next attendees will learn about an evidence-based child and parent intervention that facilitates development of social-emotional functioning, self-control, positive behavior, and long-term mental health among children six to 12 years of age in foster or adoptive care who meet criteria for an FASD diagnosis. An adoptive parent of a child with an FASD will share insights about the experience and benefits of FASD-informed diagnosis and family-focused interventions and supports.


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