Supporting Adopted Children With Special Needs in the School Setting

It’s that time of year again – back to school, and if you are a foster/adoptive parent of a child whose school year did not end on a positive note last spring, we hope this article will shed some light upon the causative factors regarding early life experiences and adoption that may have contributed to the challenges you and your child faced. Did the school year symbolize yet another year of ongoing frustration, unmet needs, and feelings of helplessness? Or, did you gain some clarity as to the factors that are influencing your son or daughter’s academic challenges but are not sure how to remediate them? And finally, have you come to a new acceptance that something’s amiss but you don’t know what it all means.

No parent wants to see their child struggle in their most important “job” of school. Tearful mornings, countless calls from school, and frustrating homework hassles are the experiences that, unfortunately, may be familiar to many of you. As adoptive parents, you may you may wonder if being adopted and the experience of adoption increases your child’s vulnerability for school performance difficulties. In fact, the interplay between adoption and learning issues is what frequently brings parents to seek specialized support through C.A.S.E. The variables involved are complex and require professionals who have an understanding of BOTH adoption and learning challenges in children and adolescents.


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