Training Opportunities
National Sexual Violence Resource Center – Online Video Training
The NSVRC has several videos in their online education center. You must log in and create a user name and password.
(~15 min) In this course, victim service professionals will learn how to describe types of sexually abusive behavior, review practical skills for listening to a disclosure of child sexual abuse, and identify the three guiding principles for responding to a disclosure.
(~20 min) In this course, victim service professionals will review trauma-informed practices for working with children surviving sexual abuse, learn role-specific recommendations for working with these children, and identify new ideas for collaborating with other victim service professionals.
(1 hr, 20 min) This recorded webinar explores the unique roles of victim service professionals in responding to child sexual abuse. Participants will be able to share communication strategies to enhance multidisciplinary team members’ ability to meet the needs of children who experience sexual abuse.
(~51 min) When a child is sexually assaulted by a family member, a number of challenging dynamics come into play. Anti-sexual violence advocates and allied professionals can play a vital role in responding to child survivors and their families by responding to their unique needs and nurturing resiliency.
(~1.5 hour) Misperceptions about the dynamics of incest can lead to inadequate response by victim service providers and other members of the system. This recorded webinar discusses techniques for effectively prosecuting cases of incest while identifying and responding to the unique needs of child victims and families.
Together We Can Workshops 2012:
Many of the sessions from the annual Together We Can Conference were recorded for viewing. You can click on the link below to access them.
New (September 2013): Caseflow Management in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases
The National Resource Center on Program Resource Development has released the first two modules of the animated web course on caseflow management in child abuse and neglect cases. Module 1 is an introduction to the course, Module 2 covers the Toolkit measures, and Module 3 (not yet released) will cover the well-being measures. As a bit of background, in 2009 they created a basic case flow management course targeted to trial court managers, court clerks, and court staff. The course was offered live several times as a two and a half day session, but that was an expensive proposition and several states requested a single-day version of the course to be conducted on site. Even those trips were difficult to arrange and sometimes to fund under current technical assistance constraints, so they decided to make these a web-based course under the auspices of the National Resource Center on Legal and Judicial Issues. This will soon be up on the Resource Center website, but in the meantime you may preview these using the links below.
Module 1:
Module 2:
Other training videos available include:
- Engaging Families to Build, Support and Maintain Connections
This course focuses on the importance of using family engagement as a tool to build, support and maintain connections for children in the Child Welfare System. The course’s content relates to the classroom course curriculum: Building Skills for Meaningful Family Engagement and includes the following topics: The Importance of Connections, What is Engagement?, Who is Involved in Engagement, Strategies to Engage Families, Benefits of Engagement.
- Multi-Disciplinary Training
- Child Welfare Law: Educational Advocacy
- Child Welfare Law: Core Training
- Child Welfare Law: Domestic Violence & Children in Foster Care
- Foster Children & Psychotropic Medications
- Louisiana Parents’ Attorneys Role in CINC Cases
- Working With Child Sexual Assault Victims With Disabilities
- The Legacy of Reform Court Oversight of Child Welfare
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