A Toolkit for Juvenile Justice Agencies to Help Young People Heal and Thrive During and After Natural Disasters

Young people are especially vulnerable to the negative effects of natural disasters, and those who are involved in the juvenile justice system are at particularly high risk for experiencing disaster-related traumatic stress and other mental health and behavioral challenges.

However, all children and youth have the capacity for resilience and healing when they receive the right types of supports.

This Toolkit is for juvenile justice staff, supervisors, and administrators who work with and on behalf of children, youth, and families who experience a natural disaster. The information and resources included in the Toolkit provide evidence- and trauma-informed guidance for promoting positive outcomes for children and youth who experience natural disasters.

The complete version of this toolkit, including full references, is available in English or Spanish.


Approximately 14 percent of children and youth have experienced at least one natural disaster prior to age 18 and most children and youth have been affected by a pandemic—COVID-19.

Click to access full toolkit and resources from Child Trends, with support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

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