South Carolina Human Trafficking Task Force 2018 Annual Report

Human trafficking is often referred to as modern day slavery. It is a crime that poses immense human rights, public safety and public health concerns across the globe. In the United States, it has been reported in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Traffickers target children and adults without regard to age, race, gender or socioeconomic status. Their primary concern is exploiting individuals for profit through labor and/or sex trafficking. It is a profitable business for criminals and often perceived as lower risk than trafficking in drugs or weapons.   
Throughout the State of South Carolina, traffickers are targeting the vulnerable, including young people in the child welfare system, runaways and the homeless, individuals with disabilities, and those battling alcohol and drug addiction. Furthermore, traffickers are targeting migrant workers, foreign nationals, and members of tribal communities. While they notoriously target the vulnerable in our society, nobody is immune to this crime.  South Carolina Human Trafficking Task Force. Office of the South Carolina Attorney General. 2019 CLICK HERE

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