A Child Welfare Leader’s Desk Guide to Building a High-Performing Agency

The child welfare leader’s desk guide is designed to help busy child welfare leaders gauge their agency’s effectiveness and chart a course toward measureable improvement. New leaders will benefit from the desk guide’s structured, yet flexible road map for assessing their agency’s strengths and opportunities and creating an agenda for change.

Part One of the desk guide presents targeted information on 10 practices, including 10 outcomes and 15 measures that are arguably the heart of most child welfare improvements. Leaders can use these and other measures throughout the desk guide to compare their agency results to other systems across the country.

Part Two of the desk guide presents research, references and appendices related to the 10 practices of high-performing agencies. Agency staff can use these materials to assess their agency’s outcomes and install and sustain improvements.

Prepared by Annie E. Casey Foundation, April 2015.

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