
Working with Traumatized Children
Feb 5 @ 12:00 pm – Feb 26 @ 2:00 pm
Working with Traumatized Children

CWLA is pleased to present the three-part virtual training series that features the publication Working with Traumatized Children – A Handbook for Healing. Now in its third edition, Working with Traumatized Children has been updated to include new strategies and approaches for caregivers and others responsible for meeting the needs of children who are vulnerable.

Participants will gain a strengthened capacity to:

  • Define what trauma is and differentiate it from stress
  • Provide examples of trauma symptoms in children and adults
  • Describe how trauma can impact children’s brains
  • Advocate for the provision of safe environments when working with children and adults who have been affected by trauma
  • Provide examples of how systems can be traumatizing or retraumatize people
  • Explain the importance of understanding the vagus nerve when working with families and children who have been affected by trauma
  • Express why self-reflective practices and supervision are important when working with this population

Training registrants will receive an electronic copy of Working with Traumatized Children, Companion Workbook which supplements the virtual training sessions. Training registrants are also eligible to receive a 30% discount on the purchase of hard copies of Working with Traumatized Children – A Handbook for Healing, Third Edition and Working with Traumatized Children, Companion Workbook.  Use promo code WWTC-30 in CWLA’s Bookstore.


Youth Virtual Hangout – Louisiana Parent Training and Information Center @ Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill
Apr 9 @ 10:30 am – Apr 11 @ 6:00 pm
Youth Virtual Hangout - Louisiana Parent Training and Information Center @ Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill

CWLA’s evidence-informed model of practice, Traditions of Caring and Collaborating addresses the unique strengths and needs of kinship caregivers, formally involved through child protective services or through informal family arrangements. This model is responsive to the needs and experiences of kinship caregivers recognizing the dynamics unique to the inherited role of being someone’s grandparent, other relative, or a non-related extended family member and the acquired role of volunteering to foster. This two-part training opportunity provides an overview for identifying areas of concern for kinship families and agency staff who work with them including: legal, financial, family relationships, health and mental health, child behavior, fair and equal treatment, satisfaction and recommendations. It will highlight the competencies needed to support kinship caregivers through phases of collaboration aimed at achieving the three federally mandated outcomes for all children: safety, well-being, and permanence.

Facilitator: Marcus Stallworth, CWLA Director of Training & Implementation



Generations United’s 23rd Global Intergenerational Conference
Jun 25 – Jun 27 all-day
Generations United’s 23rd Global Intergenerational Conference

By registering for Generations United’s 23rd Global Intergenerational Conference held on June 25-27, 2025, you will have access to:

  • Dozens of expert-led workshops in a variety of educational formats

  • Four general sessions featuring high-impact speakers and thought leadership

  • Session handouts and PowerPoint presentations

  • Countless opportunities for networking and building face-to-face connections

  • Access to Whova, a digital platform for managing your personal conference schedule and contacts

  • Furthermore, our conference will connect you with an engaged network of over 400 of your peers. This includes professionals, educators, caregivers, advocates, and enthusiasts from around the world who are committed to learning, connecting, and sharing innovative practices and programs on a range of intergenerational topics including kinship and grandfamilies.