Capacity Building Center for Tribes Releases New Prevention Resources

The Capacity Building Center for Tribes released two new prevention resources: a brief on family-strengthening prevention practices and definitions and a guide highlighting culturally relevant services and supports for child welfare programs.

The Capacity Building Center for Tribes Prevention Brief defines each stage of the prevention services continuum within a tribal context:

  • Primary prevention services cultivate resilience, strengthen families, and educate caregivers through information, activities, and resources available in a community. These include supports for basic needs, cultural activities, family healing circles, and employment support.  
  • Secondary prevention services support families experiencing challenges to reduce the risk of maltreatment. These include mental and behavioral health services, education and skill development, and in-home services.
  • Tertiary prevention services are available in homes where maltreatment has occurred. These include kinship support, housing assistance, and legal support.


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