
Capacity Building Center for Tribes Releases New Prevention Resources

The Capacity Building Center for Tribes released two new prevention resources: a brief on family-strengthening prevention practices and definitions and a guide highlighting culturally relevant services and supports for child welfare programs. The Capacity Building Center for Tribes Prevention Brief defines each stage of … Read More

Indian Child Welfare (ICW)Quarterly and Annual Report

ICW Reporting Form Guides BIA’s decision making. The data collected: What is the ICWA Report? Tribes or Tribal organizations receiving grants under ICWA arerequired to submit data on a quarterly and annual basis (25CFR 23.47) Section on Tribal ICWA programs … Read More

Report Documents the Critical Elements of Protecting Alaska Native Children — Connections to Culture and the Environment

Research released today highlights an issue rarely discussed in the field of child welfare, but vital to the health and well-being of Indigenous children and families: their stewardship of the natural environment.  The unique study focuses on many generations of … Read More

Connecting with Families in Black and Indigenous Communities.

Kin/grandfamily caregivers’ ideas about their roles in protecting and providing for the children in their care depend on their families’ values and cultures. Working with Black and Indigenous families requires knowledge of culture and context. Some questions to think about: … Read More