
Leveraging Technology to Empower Families: Supporting Foster Parents’ Essential Role in Child Welfare

Within the world of child welfare, foster parents (including those providing kinship and relative foster care) are often the unsung heroes in the lives of many children and young adults. Sometimes, with little advance notice or under challenging circumstances, these … Read More

Analysis From a State-by-State Survey of Kinship Care Policies

A recent survey conducted by Child Trends for the Annie E. Casey Foundation sheds light on the evolving landscape of kinship care policies across states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. To be released in a five-part series of … Read More

Methodological Research to Support the National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence

This report describes comprehensive efforts to review and assess the National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV) and recommends alternate approaches. The NatSCEV study design and methodology warranted reassessment. One reason for this reassessment is because response rates have … Read More

QIC-EY NOW Clips and Tips

Quality Improvement Center on Engaging Youth in Finding Permanency QIC NOW READ MORE

Family Engagement in Systems Change: Use of a New Assessment Tool in Quality Improvement

In 1987, Surgeon General C. Everett Koop’s Report on Children with Special Health Care Needs1 proposed a series of action steps toward achieving “comprehensive, coordinated, family-centered, community-based services for children with special needs and their families.” The action steps stressed the … Read More

Exploring the Contours of Expert Testimony Regarding Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome

The term “child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome” (CSAAS) was initially coined by psychiatrist Roland Summit in 1983 in an effort to understand the various ways children react to sexual abuse. From an evidentiary perspective, not all states recognize CSAAS as … Read More

From Evidence to Action: How Do We Establish Systems to Support Evidence Use?

Creating evidence is important. Creating usable evidence is even more so. But is it enough to just create high-quality usable evidence? If the evidence we generate is not used, we minimize our ability to achieve our shared mission of improving the lives of … Read More

FASD United Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Resource Directory

Search the FASD Resource Directory for FASD United affiliates, diagnostic services, support groups, prevention programs, and other resources. Due to a lack of trained professionals and recognition of FASD it can be a challenge to quickly identify accessible FASD-informed services. … Read More

The Unintended Consequences of“Lack of Supervision”Child Neglect Laws: How Developmental Science Can Inform Policies about Childhood Independence and Child Protection

Policies and programs designed to serve children and families are built upon a general understanding of child development. Developmental research has tried to expand that understanding and determine the typical ages at which children acquire certain skills and capabilities, while … Read More

Using Strength And Challenges To Measure Youth Well-Being

WHAT IS STRENGTH-BASED MEASUREMENT? A Land­scape Scan includes back­ground on the move­ment toward adopt­ing more strength-based approach­es in the field of psychology. Tra­di­tion­al­ly, researchers have focused on the neg­a­tive forces youth face. This is a holdover from health research, built around mit­i­gat­ing … Read More