CFSR and PIP Instruments, Manuals, and Guides

CFSR and PIP Instruments, Manuals, and Guides

Onsite Review Instrument and Instructions

OSRI (PDF): This instrument is used to review cases during the onsite review component of the CFSRs. Note that while this document cannot be completed electronically, it can be printed and completed by hand.

OSRI (fillable PDF): This is a format of the OSRI that can be completed electronically or printed and completed by hand. Note that if the document is completed electronically, information entered into text boxes may not print in its entirety on paper but remains available electronically. You may navigate the document using the Tab key or a mouse.

Quick Reference Items List (PDF): This document briefly summarizes the 18 items in the Onsite Review Instrument and Instructions and the 18 systemic factor items.

Case Rating Summary (PDF): This is a one-page chart used for entering all OSRI item and outcome ratings for one case.

Case-Related Interview Guides and Instructions (available in English [PDF] and Spanish [PDF]): This document provides guidance on setting up and conducting case-related interviews for the OSRI.

OSRI Quality Assurance Guide (available in English [PDF] and Spanish [PDF]): This is a guide for QA staff that provides general and item-specific issues to consider when conducting QA on an OSRI.

Reviewer Brief – Understanding the Federal Expectations for Rating Cases (available in English [PDF] and Spanish [PDF]): This brief provides an overview for CFSR reviewers of the practices that may lead to a Strength rating in a case and the expectations or special considerations that should be given to particular case circumstances in evaluating case ratings.

Case Elimination Worksheet (Excel): States use this worksheet to list cases to be eliminated from the review sample, and the reasons for elimination.

Statewide Assessment Instrument

Statewide Assessment Instrument (available in English [fillable Word] and Spanish [fillable Word]): This instrument’s four sections are designed to enable states to gather and document information that is critical to analyzing their capacity and performance during the statewide assessment phase of the CFSR process.

CFSR Procedures Manual

CFSR Procedures Manual  (PDF): This manual describes the structure and process of the CFSRs, including the overall framework, the statewide assessment, the onsite review, case sampling, stakeholder interviews, determinations of substantial conformity, collaborating during the CFSRs, statewide data indicators, and the planning conference call schedule. Updated November 2015.

Stakeholder Interview Guide

SIG (PDF): This instrument is used to conduct local and state-level interviews during the onsite component of the CFSRs. It identifies questions that may be asked during stakeholder interviews across seven systemic factor sections.

Supplemental for the SIG (PDF): This supplemental provides alternative language and phrases that interviewers can apply to all the Stakeholder Interview Guide questions, if needed.

Guidance on Potential Data and Information That Can Be Used To Assess Systemic Factor Functioning(available in English [PDF] and Spanish [PDF]): This document provides guidance and examples to assist states in providing relevant data to evaluate systemic factor functioning pursuant to the Child and Family Services Plan and the CFSR statewide assessment.

Program Improvement Planning

A Guide for Implementing Improvement Through the CFSP and CFSR (PDF): This guide translates principles of effective implementation for states and the Children’s Bureau to use when working jointly on the development and implementation of the Child and Family Services Plan and the Child and Family Services Review Program Improvement Plan.

Program Improvement Plan Template (Word): This document provides a template states may use to submit their Program Improvement Plans to the Children’s Bureau.

Program Improvement Plan Progress Report Template (Word): This document provides a template states may use to submit their Program Improvement Plan Progress Reports to the Children’s Bureau.

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