Authentic Family Engagement to Achieve Optimum Outcomes

A family-centered approach is key to authentic family engagement, effective treatment, sustained recovery, and family wellbeing. There is not a universally accepted definition of a family-centered approach. Despite differences in definitions, there are a set of common essential ingredients that are used across the continuum of providers and systems that includes a comprehensive array of clinical treatment and related support services that meet the needs of each family member, not only of the individual requesting care. This webinar will highlight the essential ingredients required to successfully implement a family-centered approach and cover practical strategies, challenges, and successes from experts in the field. In addition, it will review the state and local leadership efforts needed to ensure the implementation and sustainability of a family-centered approach. A series of companion modules developed by the National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare, Implementing a Family-Centered Approach for Families Affected By Substance Use Disorders and Involved with Children Welfare Services, will be featured during the presentation. This resource is designed for state, county, and agency-level collaborative partners working together to improve systems, services, and outcomes for children and families affected by substance use disorders.


Kimberly-Ann Coe, BSW, National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare Deputy Program Director of Regional Partnership Grant Programmatic Technical Assistance

Kimberly-Ann Coe has 32 years of both substance use disorder and child welfare experience. She began her career with Vermont’s child welfare department handling abuse and neglect investigations. Ms. Coe spent 22 years as the Director of Residential and Community Treatment services at a nonprofit agency where she supervised all aspects of programming. Ms. Coe has extensive experience managing trauma-informed, family-centered services and has worked on numerous collaborative projects with local and state partners, including Family Treatment Court, Citizens Advisory Board for Child Welfare, Parent Child Center Board, and Building Bright Futures State Council. Ms. Coe, a licensed foster parent for over 15 years, also served as President of the Vermont Foster and Adoptive Family Association for more than five years.

This webinar is FREE for NACC Members. Members, please log in with your member ID when you register for this event. This webinar is $45 for non-members. Non-member webinar registrants will receive access to a 90-day trial NACC membership.  


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