Guide To Authentic Youth Leadership and Collaboration


This guide was created for youth and young adult leaders, catalysts, and advocates – as well as the adult collaborators that support this work. Although not all-encompassing, it is meant to serve as a template for developing and sustaining youth & young adult leadership groups. This guide can be applied across the youth services field and is meant to be adapted to meet the needs and goals of each unique group.

Mission and Vision

Mission Statement

What does the team plan to do?

Create a statement meant to identify your group’s actions and purpose. Generally, this consists of one to three sentences and is easy for the group to memorize and describe. Include the entire team in its creation and periodic evaluations.

Vision Statement

What destination does your team foresee?

This statement does not need to be written with pragmaticism. Simply write what your team’s end goal is, regardless of the barriers that might exist at the current time.

Mission and Vision Statement

Youth Collaboratory’s mission & vision statement:

Youth Collaboratory harnesses the power of the youth services community to innovate, evaluate, and drive effective strategies that assure the safety and well-being of youth and young adults, unlocking their limitless potential.

YCT mission & vision statement:

Youth Catalyst Team (YCT) harnesses the knowledge, skills, vision, lived expertise, and power of youth and young adults to provide training and coaching, develop tools and resources, propel national awareness efforts, and create transformative change in youth programs, services, and systems.


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