Working with the Courts in Child Protection

This manual provides the basic information needed by CPS caseworkers to work successfully with the courts. It introduces concepts and terminology associated with the courts, describes the key court processes, and presents practical information to help caseworkers prepare for what can be an overwhelming experience. Manual HERE

The manual describes:

– The general or common court system;

– The powers of the court and the rights of parents and children in child maltreatment cases;

– The interplay between child maltreatment legislation and caseworker practice;

– The juvenile court process;

– The criminal court process;

– Domestic relations and other court proceedings;

– The issues involved in going to court;

– The relationship between CPS caseworkers and the court;

– Court improvement and best practices.

Appendices to this manual include a glossary, resource listings, and guidelines for CPS caseworkers for permanency and review hearings.

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