Child Protection

Babies in Care Proceedings: What Do We Know About Parents with Learning Disabilities or Difficulties?

This mixed method study, completed by the Institute of Public Care at Oxford Brookes University in September 2023, explored three important questions about parents with learning disabilities and learning difficulties in relation to care proceedings involving their babies. The study … Read More

Critical Child Protection Studies. (Special Issue of Social Sciences).

Special Issue Information Until the last few years of the twentieth century, there was very little critical analysis of child protection policies and practices. Child protection was embedded in discussions about what to do about child abuseā€”it was constituted as … Read More

Family First Prevention Services Act Website

Signed into law on February 9, 2018, as a part of the Bipartisan Budget Act (HR. 1892), Family First includes long-overdue historic reforms to help keep children safely with their families and avoid the traumatic experience of entering foster care. In … Read More

Disparities in Child Welfare: Considering the Implementation of Differential Response

Disparities in Child Welfare: Considering the Implementation of Differential Response Published by the National Quality Improvement Center on Differential Response in Child Protective Services (QIC-DR), this issue brief seeks to explore the ways in which a differential response-organized Child Protection … Read More

Working with the Courts in Child Protection

This manual provides the basic information needed by CPS caseworkers to work successfully with the courts. It introduces concepts and terminology associated with the courts, describes the key court processes, and presents practical information to help caseworkers prepare for what … Read More

South Carolina Human Trafficking Task Force 2019 Annual Report

Human trafficking is a complex, insidious crime that infiltrates communities across South Carolina. Traffickers continue to target the vulnerable as well as those in mainstream society. It presents a public health and public safety issue that violates basic human rights. … Read More