A Guide for Father Involvement in Systems of Care

A Guide for Father Involvement in Systems of Care Published by the Technical Assistance Partnership for Child and Family Mental Health, this guide focuses on the importance of fathers involvement in systems of care.  It provides information about the importance of fathers in the lives of their children, identifies potential consequences if fathers are not involved, and offers systems and families strategies for helping fathers become more involved. 

The guide is divided into twelve sections: (1) Where Are the Dads?; (2) How Does a Father’s Presence or Absence Affect His Children?; (3) Why is Inclusion of Fathers Important in Systems of Care?; (4) Systems of Care Should Infuse Fathers Involvement in All Core Dimensions; (5) Fatherhood and Culture; (6) Young Fathers; (7) Grandfathers; (8) Fathers in Families with Child Welfare Involvement; (9) Dads Involved with Substance Abuse; (10) Incarcerated Dads; (11) Dads Who Are Gay and Fathers of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender (LGBT) Children; and (12) Resources.  (April 2013) 


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