CWLA is pleased to present the three-part virtual training series that features the publication Working with Traumatized Children – A Handbook for Healing. Now in its third edition, Working with Traumatized Children has been updated to include new strategies and approaches for caregivers and others responsible for meeting the needs of children who are vulnerable.
Participants will gain a strengthened capacity to:
- Define what trauma is and differentiate it from stress
- Provide examples of trauma symptoms in children and adults
- Describe how trauma can impact children’s brains
- Advocate for the provision of safe environments when working with children and adults who have been affected by trauma
- Provide examples of how systems can be traumatizing or retraumatize people
- Explain the importance of understanding the vagus nerve when working with families and children who have been affected by trauma
- Express why self-reflective practices and supervision are important when working with this population
Training registrants will receive an electronic copy of Working with Traumatized Children, Companion Workbook which supplements the virtual training sessions. Training registrants are also eligible to receive a 30% discount on the purchase of hard copies of Working with Traumatized Children – A Handbook for Healing, Third Edition and Working with Traumatized Children, Companion Workbook. Use promo code WWTC-30 in CWLA’s Bookstore.
CWLA is inviting non-profit leaders and your key leadership staff to participate in this two-hour session, Assessing Our Capacity for Family Support and Prevention Programming, scheduled for Thursday, February 6 from 1:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern. To gain the most benefit from this interactive session, please make sure that you register as a team of at least 2 but not more than 4 persons. You will have the opportunity to work in breakout sessions with your team. There is limited capacity so please register early.
About the Session: There are a myriad of unique challenges and opportunities related to the development of family support and primary prevention programming for non-profit child welfare agencies. Many jurisdictions have been exploring a variety of approaches that prioritize more accessible, non-stigmatizing, and common-sense approaches to service delivery. There is a renewed emphasis on family engagement and involvement as agencies are being encouraged to collaborate with a wider range of community partners.
Non-profit child welfare agencies, especially those with long histories of providing deeper end services to children and families, are rethinking their purpose and the programs to align themselves more closely with public policy and the best practices related to family support and primary prevention. For many of these agencies, this is easier said than done and the practical reality of implementation can be daunting for an organization, its Board, its leadership team, and its frontline team practitioners. The adaptive and organizational culture changes are transformational but there is no established road map for how provider agencies might best achieve their goals.
This two-hour session will be a primer that frames the useful and practical questions on the road to redesign. The content will take participants beyond slogans and big picture themes and will emphasize a more detailed and operational approach to the task of redesigning an agency’s programs and practices.
The session will focus on The 7 P’s Exercise, which was developed by CWLA Senior Fellow, Paul DiLorenzo, during his thirty-five years plus of planning, developing, implementing, and managing community and neighborhood-based family support programming. Participants will be able to use the framework as a way of organizing their agency redesign journey. It is meant to make the planning process simple and straightforward. Though not meant to be an all-inclusive process, The 7 P’s Exercise will help an agency team create a “To Do” list for transformation, and at the same time, highlight existing strengths and opportunities that a provider might not have considered in their desire to become more primary prevention oriented.
Although race is merely a social construct, it has fractured American society for centuries. Race has been the impetus for war, both historically on the battlefield and, in more recent times, on the streets of America and around the globe. Do we really understand the power race holds while being only an illusion? Moreover, what trauma is caused by race and its influence on laws, policies and individual behaviors? This three-hour training session begins the critical conversation about the intersection between race and trauma, and its impact on us as individuals and collectively.
In the 1970s, Harvard University Professor Chester Pierce coined the term microaggressions to describe the subtle, everyday ways people of color experienced discrimination from their white counterparts. He coined the term in response to his observations of the interactions between the white and black students on campus where he heard indignities and insults members of marginalized groups endured in their routine interactions with people in all walks of life. Everyone makes comments that they wish they could retrieve the moment they pass their lips. Insults, slights and derogatory behaviors are evidence of implicit biases we hold that we sometimes don’t recognize exist.
This two-part training session explores microaggressions from their origin, intent, and impact on others. The trainers chronical their evolution, their connection to racism in America and how they are embedded in code language, whiteness, and racelighting. The trainers discuss how microaggressions can be mitigated through cultural humility. Participants will identify and practice strategies for addressing the hurt and trauma caused by microaggressions as well as for correcting microaggressions emitted due to an individual’s cultural history and group membership.