
The Supreme Court leaves Indian Child Welfare Act intact

In a major victory for Native American rights, the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday upheld key provisions of the Indian Child Welfare Act, a law enacted 45 years ago to remedy decades of past government abuse. By a 7-2 vote, … Read More

Adoption and Guardianship for Children in Kinship Foster Care

Generations United with support from the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, created the following brief, national comparison chart, and state-specific charts that focus on adoption and guardianship for children in kinship foster care so that these children can exit foster … Read More

Investing in Families Prevents Child Welfare Involvement

The path forward is clear: strengthening household financial security can reduce child abuse and neglect by improving the opportunity for parents to meet their children’s basic needs, provide developmentally appropriate child care, and reduce parental stress and depression, both risk … Read More

Child and family outcomes of the Safe Babies Court Team – A scoping review

Abstract Children under the age of three are frequently removed from their home and placed in foster care, resulting in critical impediments to their development and well-being. These placements result in significant short and long-term economic costs. The Safe Babies … Read More

Critical Child Protection Studies. (Special Issue of Social Sciences).

Special Issue Information Until the last few years of the twentieth century, there was very little critical analysis of child protection policies and practices. Child protection was embedded in discussions about what to do about child abuse—it was constituted as … Read More

Update on Efforts to Mitigate Child Labor Exploitation and Internal Audit on Placement Process Used to Transfer Custody of Unaccompanied Children to Vetted Sponsors

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) is legally required to provide for the care of unaccompanied children (defined below), who are referred to ORR until they are appropriately and safely placed with … Read More

Racial Equity Tip Sheets

Tip Sheet- American Indian & Alaska Native Grandfamilies: Helping Children Thrive Through Connection to Family and Cultural Identity About 2.5 million children in the United States live in grandfamilies or kinship families, which are families in which children are being … Read More

Adoption and Guardianship for Children in Kinship Foster Care

Generations United with support from the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, created the following brief, national comparison chart, and state-specific charts that focus on adoption and guardianship for children in kinship foster care so that these children can exit foster … Read More

Trauma-Informed Legal Representation for Youth in Sexual-Abuse-to-Prison Pipeline

When we criminalize the behavioral results of trauma, we set in motion a cycle of abuse and imprisonment that has harmful consequences for child victims. A few years ago, the Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation (CEASE) Clinic at the … Read More

Four Ways That Courts Can Actively Engage Children and Youth Involved in Child Welfare Proceedings

Four Ways That Courts Can Actively Engage Children and Youth Involved in Child Welfare Proceedings, authored by the NCJFJC in partnership with the Quality Improvement Center on Engaging Youth in Permanency, outlines how judges and other court professionals can engage … Read More