Youth Mental Health

Building Family Inclusive Youth Services

Family Involvement: Supporting Young People’s Circle of Care For many of us, our family is an important source of emotional support and feelings of belonging and safety. This can be especially true for young people as they manage the transition … Read More

Behavioral Health Diagnoses and Treatment Services for Children and Youth Involved with the Child Welfare System


Spotlight On Youth Mentoring

WHAT IS MEN­TOR­ING AND WHY DOES IT MATTER? Men­tor­ing involves a sup­port­ive, car­ing rela­tion­ship between an adult and a young per­son, either estab­lished for­mal­ly through a pro­gram or occur­ring nat­u­ral­ly such as with a neigh­bor or coach. For­mal men­tor­ing rela­tion­ships may be offered through … Read More

Youth Suicide Current Trends and the Path to Prevention

Introduction Adolescence is a critical time in everyone’s development. It is a moment of remarkable opportunity and growth, as teens and young adults learn to make decisions, manage emotions, and create deeper connections with peers and their communities. They also … Read More

Trends in State Mental Health Policy

Introduction In 2022, COVID-19 restrictions eased and Americans were able to return to familiar routines at work, at school and in their communities. Many people found their lives returning to a new kind of normal, but at the same time, … Read More

Kinship Care Supports the Academic Performance of Children

Children and youth who successfully learn how to read, write, and perform basic math skills are more likely to go to college, find good jobs, and attain financial security in adulthood—all of which support their overall well-being across the lifespan. Unfortunately, many … Read More

The Evidence Base for How and Why Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Works

INTRODUCTION What is IECMHC? Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) is an evidence-based service in which a mental health professional builds the capacity of early childhood professionals and programs to improve the social-emotional development of infants and young … Read More

U.S. Surgeon General Issues Advisory on Social Media and Youth Mental Health

U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy has issued an advisory about social media’s impact on youth mental health. It notes that while social media can provide benefits for some children and youth, there is a growing body of research about potential harms social media … Read More