White House Announces Slate of Actions on Child Welfare

The Biden administration announced a mix of final and proposed rules on child welfare policy today that cover the placement of foster youth with relatives, legal representation for parents and children involved with the system, and the placement of LGBTQI+ … Read More

Protecting the Rights and Providing Appropriate Services to LGBTQIA2S+ Youth in Out-of-Home Care

Research indicates that youth who identify as LGBTQIA2S+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, asexual, Two-Spirit, or other gender or sexual identity) have more negative experiences and outcomes when they enter out of home care than non-LGBTQIA2S+ youth. Studies have … Read More

The Mental Health and Well-Being of Multiracial LGBTQ Youth

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Multiracial youth are the fastest-growing demographic in the United States (Jonesetal.,2021; however, minimal research specifically explores multiracial youth’s mental health and well-being. Even less research explores the intersection of multiracial and LGBTQ identities, particularly among youth. The unique … Read More

Teens, especially girls, are experiencing more violence, suicidal thoughts and mental health challenges.

Teen girls in the United States experienced record high levels of violence, sadness and suicide risk in recent years, amid “significant” and “heartbreaking” declines in youth health and well-being overall, according to data published Monday by the US Centers for … Read More

Promoting the Health and Well-Being of LGBTQIA2S+ Youth Involved With Child Welfare Through FFPSA

Children and youth who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or gender expansive, queer and/or questioning, intersex, asexual, and two-spirit (LGBTQIA2S+) experience both disproportionate involvement with child welfare and, once involved, disparate outcomes, including more placement instability and longer stays … Read More

Getting Down To Basics

Getting Down to Basics: Tools to Support LGBTQ Youth in Care

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people are in America’s child welfare and juvenile justice systems in disproportionate numbers. Like all young people in care, they have the right to be safe and protected. All too often, however, … Read More


Trauma-Informed Strategies for Supporting Children and Youth in the Child Welfare System during COVID-19

Children and youth who become involved in the child welfare (CW) system often experience trauma as a result of maltreatment and other adversities while in the CW system, including removal from home and multiple out-of-home placements. Children and youth of … Read More

One Adoptive Mom Chooses Love and Acceptance

This article discusses strategies for parents to use when their foster or adoptive child comes out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ). Recommendations include: expect to deal with LGBTQ issues, accept the declaration as truth, show acceptance, understand … Read More

Recommended Practices to Promote the Safety and Well-Being of LGBTQ Youth and Youth at Risk or Living with HIV in Child Welfare Settings

Recommended Practices to Promote the Safety and Well-Being of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) Youth and Youth at Risk or Living with HIV in Child Welfare Settings The Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) and a coalition of … Read More

Designing a Measure: Measuring Social Workers’ Attitudes toward LGBT Youth in Child Welfare

Designing a Measure: Measuring Social Workers’ Attitudes toward LGBT Youth in Child Welfare. Bell, Christi E. Salcedo, Raul A. 2014