
Examining the Importance of Developmental Relationships for Young People

Developmental relationships—or relationships with supportive adults and peers—are critical for young people, especially young people who grow up in challenging circumstances like the child welfare system. Developmental relationships have many benefits, including helping young people shape their lives, build resilience, … Read More

Partnering for Success Symptom Monitoring Outcomes: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Plus for Children and Youth in Child Welfare

A substantial proportion of children and youth in the child welfare system have mental health concerns that warrant attention. While these youth are more likely to receive treatment in general, they are less likely to receive evidence-based treatments. Cognitive Behavioral … Read More

Data Snapshot Reveals Alarming Depression Rates Among Youth

OJJDP has updated its Statistical Briefing Book with a new Data Snapshot on major depressive episodes (MDE) among youth. The snapshot draws on data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. The data show one in five youth ages 12–17 experienced an MDE in … Read More

New Training on Adapting Family Finding and Engagement Practices for LGBTQ+ Youth

A new online training from the National SOGIE Center provides information on supporting young people who identify as LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, or other gender or sexual identity) during family finding and engagement processes. The free, 45-minute training provides information … Read More

The Science of Engaging Youth Lived Experience in Health Research, Practice, and Policy

Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief INTRODUCTION There is a growing body of evidence demonstrating the value of incorporating youth voices in the development of research and programming aimed at supporting youth well-being. Participatory methods have the potential to help address … Read More

Social Media and Adolescent Health

Introduction There are over 1.3 billion young people between ages 10 and 19 in the world today, approximately 1.8 billion between ages 10 and 24, making up the largest generation of youth to have ever lived (Bustreo et al., 2022; … Read More

Using Strength And Challenges To Measure Youth Well-Being

WHAT IS STRENGTH-BASED MEASUREMENT? A Land­scape Scan includes back­ground on the move­ment toward adopt­ing more strength-based approach­es in the field of psychology. Tra­di­tion­al­ly, researchers have focused on the neg­a­tive forces youth face. This is a holdover from health research, built around mit­i­gat­ing … Read More

Exploring the Effects of Maltreatment and Child Welfare System Experiences on Juvenile Justice Involvement

This dissertation examines the effect of maltreatment and child welfare experiences on juvenile justice involvement. Using a broad sample of youth who have been involved with probation and the advanced causal inference method of Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation (TMLE) and … Read More

Helping Children and Youth Maintain Relationships With Birth Families

Children and youth who are adopted need to maintain relationships with their birth families, previous caregivers, or other important connections, and it is vital that their parents support them in doing so. Nurturing these relationships is in the best interests … Read More

Improving Services for Expectant and Parenting Youth in Care

Entering and navigating the child welfare system can be stressful and confusing for young people separated from their families. It can be even more challenging for young people who are parents, are pregnant, or are expecting. Expectant and parenting youth … Read More