Author Archives: Susan Shaffette

Identifying the Intersection of Trauma and Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. Part I: Key Considerations.

NCTSN RESOURCE  Resource Description Addresses why providers should ask about sexual orientation and gender identity, identifies the intersection of trauma, sexual orientation and gender identity, and provides goals for the screener. This resource also includes what studies have revealed about … Read More

Free Toolkit Assesses Life Skills Youth Need for Independence

An updated version of the Casey Life Skills (CLS) toolkit is now available with recent revisions made using a diversity and equity lens. The updated toolkit includes two new skill areas—civic engagement and navigating the child welfare system—and a supplemental assessment that … Read More

New Child Welfare Journal – Family Integrity and Justice Quarterly

A new child welfare journal, Family Integrity & Justice Quarterly, recently released its inaugural issue, which focused on harms created by the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA). The journal’s editors and writers point out problems with ASFA’s passage and implementation, including … Read More

April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

Every April, the Children’s Bureau observes National Child Abuse Prevention Month (NCAPM) to raise public awareness of child abuse and neglect, recommit efforts and resources aimed at protecting children and strengthening families, and promote community involvement through activities that support … Read More

Court Jurisdiction and Venue for Adoption Petitions

This publication presents an overview of State statutes that designate the appropriate jurisdiction and venue for adoption proceedings. Jurisdiction refers to the type of court that has the authority to hear adoption cases; venue refers to the geographic location of … Read More

Child Opportunity Index

This Valuable Data Tool Informs Policies that Shape Child Opportunity Jan 25, 2022, 11:00 AM, Posted by Dolores Acevedo-Garcia Millions of children live in neighborhoods with limited access to safe housing, green space, or good schools. Data can inform efforts by … Read More

Prevention Mindset Institute: Embracing Prevention Across Systems

Summary Report What does it take to shift mindsets across multiple, interconnected systems? Can mindsets be shifted within decades-old child-welfare systems—systems that wield enormous reach and power? What would motivate change? The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) has promoted … Read More

Trauma-Informed Youth Transitions in Tribal Child Welfare

The Capacity Building Center for Tribes’ Tribal Information Exchange released a series of tip sheets on trauma-informed practice in tribal child welfare. One of the tip sheets, Trauma-Informed Youth Transitions in Tribal Child Welfare, focuses on helping tribal child welfare professionals … Read More

Addressing Structural Racism Through Equitable Policy Making for Black Families

Source: Child Trends This issue brief series identifies key information and opportunities for consideration by policymakers, researchers, practitioners, philanthropists, and others interested in supporting the progress of Black families and children—and, by extension, the country as a whole. The series … Read More

Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Children’s Behavior

A guide from AdoptUSKids aims to help parent group leaders support discussions between parents and caregivers about trauma and its effects. The goal of these discussions is to be able to better respond to the behaviors of children affected by trauma and … Read More