
Building a Relationship With Birth Families

Building and maintaining relationships between adoptive families and birth families requires work and commitment, but it is important for children and youth who are adopted. Supporting these relationships is in the best interests of the child, as maintaining important connections … Read More

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Juvenile Law Center Launches Digital Youth Advocacy Toolkit

Juvenile Law Center – December 20, 2022 Today Juvenile Law Center launched a Digital Youth Advocacy Toolkit based on a prior report entitled Building the Field of Ethical, Authentic, and Youth-led Advocacy: Key Components of a Youth Advocacy Program. The … Read More

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Temporary Child-Welfare Placements Target Nonwhite Children Disproportionately

Rutgers Today – December 21, 2022 Nationwide, children who are removed from their homes by child protective services for fewer than 30 days are overwhelmingly Asian American, Black or Native American, raising questions about the impartiality of states’ child welfare … Read More

State of American Indian and Alaska Native Children and Families Report

Published by NICWA – November 22, 2022 The State of American Indian and Alaska Native Children and Families Report is a six-part series of data briefs that presents current data on American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) child and family … Read More

Call for Abstracts – NACC’s 46th National Child Welfare Law Conference

The National Association of Counsel for Children is accepting proposals to present at NACC’s annual dual conference to be held in person August 10-12, 2023, at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, followed by a separate agenda online September 20-22, 2023. This … Read More

Language Bias in Child Welfare (Includes audio)

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children & Families, Children’s Bureau – October 20, 2022 This brief provides an overview of biased language in child welfare case practice and strategies to identify and study it. Key themes … Read More

Benefits of Kinship Placement

The American Bar Association (ABA) developed a tool for lawyers to use in trial or during their appellate arguments to help them advocate for kinship placement. Benefits of Kinship Placement includes information and resources that counsel may be able to include in … Read More

Speaking of Change: How Can Kinship Care Advance Racial Equity in Child Welfare?

Amara’s Kinship Program has a second installment in its Speaking of Change webinar series. This webinar, “Speaking of Change: How Can Kinship Care Advance Racial Equity in Child Welfare,” seeks to break down common assumptions and misconceptions about foster care and adoption by sharing … Read More

Louisiana’s Families in Need of Services
Laws Providing the Right Services to
Children and Families

By Curtis Nelson, Jr. Everyone monitoring news outlets have heard comments that more needs to be done to prevent children from engaging in criminal activity, which, due to their minor status, is referred to as delinquency activity. Concerns about public … Read More

Children in Today’s Courtroom

By Franchesca L. Hamilton-Acker, Kellie J. Johnson and Josephine C. Vanderhorst There are multiple layers to the child welfare system. One of these layers is peeled backwhen there is a need to remove a child from his/her parents or caretakers … Read More