

INTRODUCTION In January, as I finished giving testimony in our state legislature, the chair of the committee spoke up. She knew the dependency case involving my grandson had just ended. “Congratulations,” she said, “on finalizing the adoption of your grandson.” … Read More

Navigating Foster Care: How Parental Drug Use and Caregiver Attitudes Shape Children’s Mentalization Processes—an Exploratory Longitudinal Follow-up Study

Introduction Foster care is government-subsidized and -regulated temporary care for children who have been removed from their families for reasons of abuse and neglect. Children can be placed either in family or residential care. While family foster care includes arrangements … Read More

Resource Guide for Kinship/Grandfamily Providers

The 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers provides a roadmap for organizations and agencies to better support kin/grandfamily caregivers and the children they raise.  Kin caregivers, also called grandfamily caregivers, are grandparents, other relatives, or close family friends raising children as … Read More


Voices of Parent Leaders

Sharing the Journey Sharing the Journey: Voices of Parent Leaders was created by the parent leaders of the FRIENDS National Center Parent Advisory Council (PAC) who work in their communities and nationally to help family support and child abuse prevention practitioners and … Read More

iFoster Supports New Actions to Support Children and Families in Foster Care

These regulations address several aspects of the 7 key areas identified in iFoster’s Lived Experience Guide to Fixing Foster Care 2023 “These regulations address several aspects of the 7 key areas identified by the foster care community in iFoster’s Lived … Read More

2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers

Actions for States, Communities, and Others Introduction & Purpose This document is a component of the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers (Strategy), which was developed by the Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, and Engage (RAISE) Act Family Caregiving Advisory … Read More

Child Welfare: HHS Is Taking Steps to Help States Support Relative Caregivers with Evidence-Based Programs

When parents can’t care for their children, relatives often step in as caregivers. To help these caregivers, states can access federal matching funds if they operate programs Health and Human Services determines to be evidence based. This requires states to … Read More

Using a Structured Learning Process to Strengthen Two-Generation Service Delivery

Introduction Two-generation initiatives intentionally combine intensive, high quality adult-focused services with intensive, high quality child-focused programs to improve outcomes for children, primary caregivers, and families. The goal of integrating services for primary caregivers and their children is to achieve better … Read More

COVID-19 and Child Welfare: A Series of Virtual Meetings [Webpage]

This webpage explains the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) is releasing a five-part series of interactive virtual meetings from June through August 2020, intended to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the State and federal policy responses … Read More

Relative Caregiving Facts FFY 2014: Louisiana

This fact sheet provides statistics on number and characteristics of foster children living with relative foster families in Louisiana and in the United States. Information is provided on the number of foster children living with relatives, the age of the … Read More