Mental Health

Associations Between Potentially Traumatic Events and Psychopathology Among Preadolescents in the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development Study®

The current cross-sectional study aimed to extend the literature on childhood adversity by examining the unique associations between potentially traumatic events (PTEs) and a range of mental health concerns, including domain-specific versus comorbid concerns. Participants were 11,877 preadolescents (47.8% female, … Read More

Applying the Social Work Health Impact Model to Child Maltreatment: Implications for Social Work Education

Child abuse and neglect (CAN) is a significant and growing public health problem, yet public health approaches to eliminating CAN have not been widely embraced in the United States or in social work education. Public health approaches require a large … Read More

Building Generational Resilience: Supporting BIPOC Grandfamilies and Kinship Families’ Mental Health

Have you ever felt the need to be seen and acknowledged? It’s a universal desire, right?! Unfortunately, the Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) community often doesn’t receive the recognition it deserves, especially concerning mental health and wellness. That’s … Read More

Data Snapshot Reveals Alarming Depression Rates Among Youth

OJJDP has updated its Statistical Briefing Book with a new Data Snapshot on major depressive episodes (MDE) among youth. The snapshot draws on data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. The data show one in five youth ages 12–17 experienced an MDE in … Read More

Clearinghouse Approves New Mental Health, Substance Abuse Programs for Family First Act Funding

Last month, the clearinghouse that greenlights foster care prevention services approved several iterations of a mental intervention known as Dialectical Behavior Therapy, as well as a positive reinforcement approach to treating substance abuse. The clearinghouse was established in relation to … Read More

The Misdiagnosed and Overmedicated Children in Foster Care

Introduction There is an understanding among professionals working within the family policing system that most children entering foster care have experienced trauma either from their home environment, system involvement (including being removed from their home), or from an out-of-home placement … Read More

Spotlight On Youth Mentoring

WHAT IS MEN­TOR­ING AND WHY DOES IT MATTER? Men­tor­ing involves a sup­port­ive, car­ing rela­tion­ship between an adult and a young per­son, either estab­lished for­mal­ly through a pro­gram or occur­ring nat­u­ral­ly such as with a neigh­bor or coach. For­mal men­tor­ing rela­tion­ships may be offered through … Read More

The Core Characteristics Of Generation Z

Gen­er­a­tion Z has emerged as a pop­u­la­tion increas­ing­ly wor­thy of atten­tion, espe­cial­ly now as its old­er mem­bers are in their 20s and have become a polit­i­cal­ly engaged force in recent elec­tions. Born after 1996, Gen­er­a­tion Zers made up one-tenth of the 2020 elec­torate and have added 8.3 mil­lion new­ly … Read More

FACT SHEET: President Biden to Announce Strategy to Address Our National Mental Health Crisis, As Part of Unity Agenda in his First State of the Union

In his first State of the Union, the President will outline a unity agenda consisting of policy where there has historically been support from both Republicans and Democrats, and call on Congress to send bills to his desk to deliver … Read More

Exploring the Effects of Maltreatment and Child Welfare System Experiences on Juvenile Justice Involvement

This dissertation examines the effect of maltreatment and child welfare experiences on juvenile justice involvement. Using a broad sample of youth who have been involved with probation and the advanced causal inference method of Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation (TMLE) and … Read More