Author Archives: Susan Shaffette

Together We Can Conference – We are Resilient: 20 Years Together for Children and Families

November 2-4, 2022 – Virtual Child Welfare Conference Conference Registration Booklet Register Now Together We Can is an annual multi-disciplinary conference that focuses on the children who have experienced abuse or neglect. The children may be in foster care, residential … Read More

Strategies to Support the Needs of Infants and Toddlers in Child Welfare and Early Intervention Programs

Daniel Ferguson, Sheila Smith, Maribel Granja, Olivia Lasala, and Hope Cooper Research shows that infants and toddlers involved in Child Welfare (CW) are at risk of poor social-emotional, behavioral, and learning outcomes for reasons such as family adversities, trauma, maltreatment, … Read More

Addressing discrimination supports youth suicide prevention efforts

Experiences of identity-based discrimination are associated with increased risk of suicide, especially among youth with multiple marginalized identities. To effectively reduce suicide among youth, state leaders must understand the relationship between discrimination and suicide risk. Child Trends’ new brief summarizes … Read More

Benefits of Kinship Placement

The American Bar Association (ABA) developed a tool for lawyers to use in trial or during their appellate arguments to help them advocate for kinship placement. Benefits of Kinship Placement includes information and resources that counsel may be able to include in … Read More

Speaking of Change: How Can Kinship Care Advance Racial Equity in Child Welfare?

Amara’s Kinship Program has a second installment in its Speaking of Change webinar series. This webinar, “Speaking of Change: How Can Kinship Care Advance Racial Equity in Child Welfare,” seeks to break down common assumptions and misconceptions about foster care and adoption by sharing … Read More

New Grandfamilies and Kinship Support Network Formed

The Administration for Community Living (within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) and Generations United have partnered to form the new Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network. Funded by a 5-year cooperative agreement, the network is the first national technical … Read More

Resources to Help Children and Families in the Aftermath of a Hurricane

Trying to cope during a traumatic situation is tough for an adult, but for a child it is even more complex. Below are some resources for parents, caregivers, and child-serving professionals that provide tips for talking with and helping children and youth cope after a disaster. Talking … Read More

Breaking the Stigma and Changing the Narrative: Strategies for Supporting Expectant and Parenting Youth Involved in Systems of Care.

Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Project. Center for the Study of Social Policy. National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. 2022 AbstractExpectant and parenting youth involved in systems of care represent a unique intersection of developmental … Read More

Protective Factors for Youth Involved in
Systems of Care

Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Project. Center for the Study of Social Policy. National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. 2022 AbstractThis report examines the importance of intentionally and actively targeting protective factors, in addition to … Read More

Human Trafficking and Child Welfare:
Scope of Agency Authority

Prepared by Samantha B. Charm, Natasha E. Latzman, RTI International Bethany Gilot, BGilot Consulting Introduction and MethodsHuman trafficking of children and youth, defined as the exploitation of minors for forcedlabor or commercial sex, is increasingly recognized as a public health … Read More