
Relative Foster Care Is Increasing Among American Indian and Alaska Native Children in Foster Care

A new analysis from Child Trends finds that, from federal fiscal year (FFY) 2018 to FFY 2021, the use of relative foster care placements for American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) children in foster care grew in seven of the … Read More

Trauma-Focused Practice Supplement for the Crossover Youth Practice Model

THE CROSSOVER YOUTH PRACTICE MODEL (CYPM) The Center for Juvenile Justice Reform (CJJR) designed the CYPM to improve multi-system collaboration on behalf of crossover youth and their families and inspire practice and policy changes aimed at better meeting their needs. … Read More

Trends in State Mental Health Policy

Introduction In 2022, COVID-19 restrictions eased and Americans were able to return to familiar routines at work, at school and in their communities. Many people found their lives returning to a new kind of normal, but at the same time, … Read More

Strategies for Addressing Length of Stay to Improve Outcomes for Youth and Communities

Lessons Learned from the Length of Stay Policy Academy Introduction In recent years, there has been a growing recognition that youth involved in the juvenile justice system thrive best when they receive services and supports in their own homes and … Read More

Promoting Healthy Relationships in Foster Care—“If I Had Seen What a Healthy Relationship Looks Like, that Would Have Changed My Perspective”

Introduction Romantic relationships with high levels of intimacy, support, affection, and satisfaction, contribute to social emotional wellbeing and a sense of self-worth and competence (Collins et al., 2009). Indeed young adults with a history in foster care report that having … Read More

Implementing Child Welfare IT Systems Using “Low Code” Solutions

Purchasing or building software solutions to support child welfare practice can be a daunting task. These complex systems can be expensive and must meet the needs of a diverse group of users throughout the title IV-E agency. Many software companies … Read More

A Change Framework for Engaging Fathers and Paternal Relatives and Promoting Racial Justice

A recent brief from the Fathers and Continuous Learning in Child Welfare (FCL) project explains how participants in a Breakthrough Series Collaborative (BSC) used a guiding framework to strengthen the engagement of fathers and paternal relatives with children involved in … Read More

Spotlight on Domestic Violence and Child Welfare

This issue of CBX highlights the intersection of domestic violence and child welfare. Many children involved with the child welfare system are victims of domestic violence and abuse, which can lead to detrimental consequences for children, youth, and families, such … Read More

Screening for Substance Use in Child Welfare Using the UNCOPE

This short video depicts a child welfare worker administering the UNCOPE screening tool in a situation involving suspected substance use. Viewers will learn how to

FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Support Children and Families in Foster Care

In honor of National Kinship Care Month, Administration releases a historic package of regulations to ensure children in the child welfare system thrive The more than 391,000 American children and youth living in foster care deserve to grow up in … Read More