
Four Ways That Courts Can Actively Engage Children and Youth Involved in Child Welfare Proceedings

Four Ways That Courts Can Actively Engage Children and Youth Involved in Child Welfare Proceedings, authored by the NCJFJC in partnership with the Quality Improvement Center on Engaging Youth in Permanency, outlines how judges and other court professionals can engage … Read More

 Family First – Title IV-E Prevention Plan Implementation Updates

Part One Watch Video The Children’s Bureau (CB) hosted a webinar to share the lessons and experiences of two jurisdictions whose Title IV-E Prevention Plans received approval from CB. The webinar’s intent was to provide child welfare leaders and their partners with … Read More

Immunity for Persons Who Report Child Abuse and Neglect

Among the State plan requirements for establishing eligibility for Federal grants under the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, States are required to provide “immunity from civil or criminal liability under State and local laws and regulations for individuals making good faith … Read More

The Racial Justice Organization Assessment Tools for Court

Final Report – February 2023 Executive Summary In July of 2020, the Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) and the Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA) resolved to “intensify efforts to combat racial prejudice within the justice system, both explicit and … Read More

Mental Health Emergency Response

Introduction It is estimated that 7% to 10%1 of all police encounters involve a person who has mental illness. Most of these encounters do not involve any violence, and some don’t involve a crime at all. People with mental illness … Read More

Highlights from a special issue of Family Court Review

Vivek Sankaran and Christopher Church turn the current “master narrative” about securing “permanency” for children on its head.  That false narrative, pushed hardest by those who hate birth parents (and yes, that’s the right word) claims that only adoption guarantees a … Read More

Four Ways That Courts Can Actively Engage Children and Youth Involved in Child Welfare Proceedings.

Children and youth are experts on their own lives, but often they are not engaged meaningfully in their own child welfare cases by court professionals. They frequently have little or no power over important aspects of their lives that are … Read More

Quality Improvement Center on Engaging Youth in Finding Permanency

Guided by four principles rooted in partnership, respect, equity, and holistic permanency, the Quality Improvement Center on Engaging Youth in Finding Permanency (QIC-EY) is seeking to redefine what it means to authentically engage children and youth in child welfare systems, particularly regarding … Read More

Administration to Toughen Enforcement of Child Labor Laws as Cases Mount

Labor and HHS departments will coordinate efforts to investigate violations and boost the safety of migrant children. The Biden administration on Monday February 27, unveiled a plan to get tougher on illegal child labor, as high-profile cases involving migrant children … Read More

Congregate Care in the Age of FFPSA

The Capacity Building Center for States published a brief, Congregate Care in the Age of Family First, for those interested in learning how to use the provisions in the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) to improve their use of congregate … Read More