Children's Justice ACT

State of American Indian and Alaska Native Children and Families Report

Published by NICWA – November 22, 2022 The State of American Indian and Alaska Native Children and Families Report is a six-part series of data briefs that presents current data on American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) child and family … Read More

Five Resources for Lawyers Representing Transition Aged Youth

Some tips and resources to help you prepare your client to age out of the child welfare system. By Cathy Krebs – January 2021 Lawyers who represent transition-aged youth (ages 16–24) have unique challenges to ensure their clients are prepared … Read More

Five Ways to Serve Youth Through the Family First Prevention Services Act

A recent brief from the Center for the Study of Social Policy details five opportunities within the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) of 2018 for states to build a prevention continuum that focuses on healthy adolescent development. The brief also aims … Read More

Tips & Tools for Providing High-Quality Legal Representation to Children and Parents in Child Welfare Proceedings: Out-of-Court Advocacy

Out-of-court advocacy is critical in every child welfare legal proceeding. As an attorney for the child or parent, you must be a highly skilled litigator and be willing to use the court process to meet your client’s goals. You must … Read More

Education Stability for Foster Care

Supporting School Stability for Children in Foster Care during COVID-19 and Beyond

As a judge overseeing child welfare cases, you play a critical role ensuring children and youth in foster care are staying on track and making progress in school. Federal law prioritizes education stability for these children and mandates coordination by … Read More

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Courts: A Tool for Improving Outcomes for American Indian Children and Families

The St. Louis County Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Court in Duluth, Minnesota, currently led by Judge Sally Tarnowski, is a dedicated docket of child welfare hearings involving Indian children as confirmed or presumed by the definitions outlined in the … Read More


Every Kid Needs a Family: Safely Reducing Reliance on Institutional Care Placements for Children in the Child Welfare System

Since the codification of the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980 and the earlier passage of the Indian Child Welfare Act in 1978, federal law and child welfare values support placing children in the least restrictive settings with … Read More

Reasonable Efforts as Prevention

by Jerry Milner and David Kelly  –  November 6, 2006 Far too often the wrong examples drive child welfare policy and practice in the United States. We see it time and time again in jurisdictions where there is a child fatality; … Read More