
Applying the Social Work Health Impact Model to Child Maltreatment: Implications for Social Work Education

Child abuse and neglect (CAN) is a significant and growing public health problem, yet public health approaches to eliminating CAN have not been widely embraced in the United States or in social work education. Public health approaches require a large … Read More

Pharmacists’ Vital Role in Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse

ABSTRACT: Childhood abuse, which manifests in adverse childhood events such as neglect and physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, is widespread in the United States. Each year, the Child Protective Services agency rescues more than one-half million children from maltreatment. Because … Read More

Mandated Reporting Policies Do Not Promote More Accurate Reporting of Suspected Neglect

Each year, there are approximately 4 million referrals of suspected child maltreatment, with around 2 million of those reports meeting the criteria for an investigation or alternative response. However, only about 600,000 of those reports are substantiated (i.e., an investigator determines that abuse or neglect … Read More

How Should Race and Resource Context Influence How Neglect Is Considered by Clinicians?

Separation of children from their parents is one possible traumatizing consequence of a mandated report, which is not to be taken lightly. This commentary on a case considers how racism and poverty should influence clinicians’ construal of their duties as … Read More

Indian Child Welfare (ICW)Quarterly and Annual Report

ICW Reporting Form Guides BIA’s decision making. The data collected: What is the ICWA Report? Tribes or Tribal organizations receiving grants under ICWA arerequired to submit data on a quarterly and annual basis (25CFR 23.47) Section on Tribal ICWA programs … Read More

Watch for Warning Signs of Child Abuse and/or Neglect

National Child Abuse Prevention Month was in April and recognizes the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect. Services developed by this collaboration can help protect children and strengthen families. Tim Rolfe, family advocacy … Read More

Child Protection: Dependency Courts

Annotation This Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) In Focus fact sheet outlines programs, training, and funding to ensure that dependency court personnel have the skills to address the complex needs of children and their families who come … Read More

Child Maltreatment Report 2020

This report presents national data about child abuse and neglect known to child protective services agencies in the United States during federal fiscal year 2020. Release date: January 2022. Child Maltreatment 2020 is the latest edition of the annual Child … Read More

Recommendations for Legal Representation of Children and Youth in Neglect and Abuse Proceedings

For the first time in two decades @NACCchildlaw published new Recommendations for Legal Representation of Children and Youth in Neglect and Abuse Proceedings, centering #youthvoice + equity in legal representation #childwelfare #a2j Review or download the report:

LA Benchbook

Louisiana CINC Benchbook

The Court Improvement Program of the Louisiana Supreme Court, Louisiana Judicial College, and Pelican Center for Children and Families is delighted to announce the publication of the Louisiana Child in Need of Care Benchbook for Juvenile Judges. The Benchbook project is a … Read More