
Global Report on Early Childhood Care and Education

The Right to A Strong Foundation Executive summary The world is not on track to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 and ensure inclusive and quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all. Education, starting with early childhood education, is … Read More

Every State is Failing to Equip All Kids for Success, Especially Children of Color, Says New Report

Despite improve­ments in many key mea­sures, the Unit­ed States is still fail­ing its chil­dren, espe­cial­ly kids of col­or, as too many chil­dren are blocked from reach­ing essen­tial mile­stones of well-being. Wide and per­sis­tent dis­par­i­ties are hin­der­ing Amer­i­can Indi­an or Alas­ka … Read More

Race, Poverty, and Foster Care Placement in the United States: Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Perspectives

Abstract Although the connections between race, poverty, and foster care placement seem obvious, the link has not in fact been studied extensively. To address this gap, we view poverty and placement through longitudinal and cross-sectional lenses to more accurately capture … Read More

Knowing the Strengths and Limitations of Poverty Measures Can Help Us Better Understand Poverty

The ways poverty is measured can influence how we, as a country, understand what it means to live in poverty. Poverty measures inform the work of policymakers, practitioners, and advocates to address poverty and prevent the adverse consequences associated with it. This brief summarizes … Read More

Investing in Families Prevents Child Welfare Involvement

The path forward is clear: strengthening household financial security can reduce child abuse and neglect by improving the opportunity for parents to meet their children’s basic needs, provide developmentally appropriate child care, and reduce parental stress and depression, both risk … Read More

Knowing the Strengths and Limitations of Poverty Measures Can Help Us Better Understand Poverty

The ways poverty is measured can influence how we, as a country, understand what it means to live in poverty. Poverty measures inform the work of policymakers, practitioners, and advocates to address poverty and prevent the adverse consequences associated with it. This brief summarizes … Read More

A Poor Poverty Measure

To identify children in need, look beyond free lunch data In education policy and public debate, we often talk about students from “low-income” families. That descriptor is typically based on data from the National School Lunch Program, which provides qualified … Read More


How can data sharing across child- and family-serving systems be implemented effectively? Complex issues — such as those encountered in child welfare — require complex solutions, often necessitating cross-system data sharing and collaboration. Improving the safety and well-being of children … Read More

Addressing Structural Racism Through Equitable Policy Making for Black Families

Source: Child Trends This issue brief series identifies key information and opportunities for consideration by policymakers, researchers, practitioners, philanthropists, and others interested in supporting the progress of Black families and children—and, by extension, the country as a whole. The series … Read More

Alice Report 2020

ALICE Report 2020 – A Study of Financial Hardship in Louisiana

The United Way ALICE Project provides a framework, language, and tools to measure and understand the struggles of a population called ALICE — an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. ALICE is the growing number of households in our … Read More