Sex Trafficking

Tackling the Rising Incidence of Financial Sexual Extortion

Introduction The fight against financial sexual extortion requires collaboration, technological awareness, legislative support, adaptive strategies, and a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced to protect victims and prevent harm. On 31 January 2024 CEOs from social media giants Meta (the parent … Read More

Connecting Sex Trafficking Survivors To Education And Jobs

Well­spring Liv­ing, a grantee of the Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion, is a non­prof­it that serves sur­vivors of sex traf­fick­ing and those at risk for exploita­tion. Based in Metro Atlanta, a city with one the high­est rates of human traf­fick­ing in the Unit­ed States, the orga­ni­za­tion … Read More

Engaging Survivors of Human Trafficking

Survivor Engagement in the Anti-Trafficking Field: History, Lessons Learned, and Looking Forward Survivors of human trafficking play a vital role in combating this crime. Their perspective and experience should be taken into consideration to better address this crime and to … Read More

Live Streaming and Virtual Child Sex Trafficking

Online child sexual exploitation has increased dramatically over the past few decades. Minors access digital devices, the internet, and social media platforms at much younger ages than in the past, and devices and platforms are expanding the capacity for image … Read More

Protecting the Health and Well-Being of all Children by Preventing the Worst Forms of Child Labor

On this World Day Against Child Labor, we reflect on the 3.3 million children who experience forced labor every year around the world. According to the International Labor Organization, the prevalence of forced labor increased from 2016 to 2021, exclusively driven by the private … Read More

A Research-Based Question and Answer Resource on Sex Trafficking for Youth-Supporting Professionals

This website answers common questions that youth-supporting professionals may have about sex trafficking, describes warning signs that a young person may be a sex trafficking survivor, and offers tips for starting conversations with young people who may be sex trafficking … Read More

Administration for Children and Families logo

Standardizing Care for Clients Impacted by Human Trafficking

Released January 9, 2023 Link to full article and resources January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month Visit disclaimer page, an opportunity to raise awareness on how we can all prevent and respond to human trafficking. Our theme for Human Trafficking Prevention … Read More

Louisiana Launches Hotline for Reporting Juvenile Sex Trafficking

Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services – January 09, 2023 Louisiana has launched a hotline for receiving reports of suspected juvenile sex trafficking, centralizing the calls to ensure closer coordination between state agencies, law enforcement, and service providers tasked … Read More


Domestic Juvenile Sex Trafficking Bench Card

The Capacity Building Center for Courts has created a Domestic Child Sex Trafficking Judicial Desk Reference Guide.  This resource provides links and examples of how Court Improvement Programs (CIP) can implement P.L. 113-183.  Specifically, it addresses: How to form a … Read More

Back Pocket

A Five-Year Analysis of Child Trafficking in the United States: Exploring Case Characteristics and Outcomes to Inform Child Welfare System Response.

Child trafficking is prevalent and poses a serious problem in Kentucky and throughout the United States. Though Kentucky successfully passed the Safe Harbor law in 2013, no residential treatment programs exist in Kentucky specifically for children who have been trafficked, … Read More