Author Archives: Susan Shaffette

2-16-2023 CIP Cafe’ – Do You Have A Problem? Can A Motion Solve That?

Motions are a strategic tool that can be used in a variety of ways to improve outcomes in Louisiana Child in Need of Care (CINC) cases. Filed by an attorney or party, a motion seeks a specific order of the … Read More

1-19-2023 CIP Cafe’ – Reasonable Efforts: Overview of the Law and Fiscal Implications

The concept of reasonable efforts is a fundamental component in every Child in Need of Care (CINC) case. The Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) has the burden of demonstrating reasonable efforts to prevent or eliminate the need for … Read More

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Standardizing Care for Clients Impacted by Human Trafficking

Released January 9, 2023 Link to full article and resources January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month Visit disclaimer page, an opportunity to raise awareness on how we can all prevent and respond to human trafficking. Our theme for Human Trafficking Prevention … Read More

Louisiana Launches Hotline for Reporting Juvenile Sex Trafficking

Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services – January 09, 2023 Louisiana has launched a hotline for receiving reports of suspected juvenile sex trafficking, centralizing the calls to ensure closer coordination between state agencies, law enforcement, and service providers tasked … Read More

National Compendium of Trauma-Responsive Policies and Programs

Pathways to Resilience is pleased to announce the release their first major publication, a National Compendium of Trauma-Responsive Policies and Programs. The compendium summarizes a wide range of interventions, policies, programs, and governing bodies that states and communities are leveraging to prevent … Read More

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New Racial Equity Tip Sheets – Connecting Family and Culture

With support from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Generations United is pleased to share a new series of tip sheets to accompany our racial equity toolkits. These tools are designed to help professionals serving grandfamilies to provide culturally appropriate services. 

Psychology Today Logo

January Is Human Trafficking Prevention Month

By now, many people have heard of human trafficking and slavery, but I always like to start any conversation about this issue with this fact: there are an estimated 50 million trafficked and enslaved people around the world. This number is shocking, … Read More

Building a Relationship With Birth Families

Building and maintaining relationships between adoptive families and birth families requires work and commitment, but it is important for children and youth who are adopted. Supporting these relationships is in the best interests of the child, as maintaining important connections … Read More

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Juvenile Law Center Launches Digital Youth Advocacy Toolkit

Juvenile Law Center – December 20, 2022 Today Juvenile Law Center launched a Digital Youth Advocacy Toolkit based on a prior report entitled Building the Field of Ethical, Authentic, and Youth-led Advocacy: Key Components of a Youth Advocacy Program. The … Read More

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Temporary Child-Welfare Placements Target Nonwhite Children Disproportionately

Rutgers Today – December 21, 2022 Nationwide, children who are removed from their homes by child protective services for fewer than 30 days are overwhelmingly Asian American, Black or Native American, raising questions about the impartiality of states’ child welfare … Read More