
 Family First – Title IV-E Prevention Plan Implementation Updates

Part One Watch Video The Children’s Bureau (CB) hosted a webinar to share the lessons and experiences of two jurisdictions whose Title IV-E Prevention Plans received approval from CB. The webinar’s intent was to provide child welfare leaders and their partners with … Read More

2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers

Actions for States, Communities, and Others Introduction & Purpose This document is a component of the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers (Strategy), which was developed by the Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, and Engage (RAISE) Act Family Caregiving Advisory … Read More

Immunity for Persons Who Report Child Abuse and Neglect

Among the State plan requirements for establishing eligibility for Federal grants under the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, States are required to provide “immunity from civil or criminal liability under State and local laws and regulations for individuals making good faith … Read More

A Guide to Implementing Family First

WATCH VIDEO It’s really easy to get bogged down in the details and get bogged down in the legislative text. So, what we tried to achieve here was a lay person’s translation of what all this means for child welfare … Read More

Child Welfare and FFPSA

The landmark bipartisan Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) represents sweeping reforms to federal child welfare policy, and it provides significant new opportunities for states to improve the health and well-being of children of all ages, including very young children … Read More

Barriers to Authentic Youth Engagement in Permanency Planning

The Quality Improvement Center on Engaging Youth in Finding Permanency (QIC-EY) is a cooperative agreement, funded by the Children’s Bureau, which is charged with advancing child welfare programs and practice to ensure that children and youth in the child welfare … Read More

Common Problems, Common Solutions

Looking Across Sectors at Strategies for Supporting Rural Youth and Families Tool-Kit This paper was developed by Lisa Pilnik and Christine Humowitz on behalf of the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform (CJJR) at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy, … Read More

Resources to Support Title IV-E Prevention Program Planning

In February 2018, the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) was signed into law with the potential to radically reform child welfare. The FFPSA incentivizes jurisdictions to reduce the use of congregate care and allows payment of federal title IV-E funds … Read More

ORR Unaccompanied Children Program Policy Guide

Introduction The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) Unaccompanied Children Program provides a safe and appropriate environment to children and youth who enter the United States without immigration status and without a parent or legal guardian who is able to provide … Read More

Representing Families of Children with Diabetes Facing Child Abuse and Neglect Investigations

I. Introduction Parents and guardians of children with diabetes strive to keep life as normal as possible for their children. They have to work closely with their children’s school and doctor in order to ensure that they are properly cared … Read More